Monthly Archives: December 2023

Code Snippet Generation – Postman Killer Feature

The other day I was supporting a client in my day job by helping him use Postman to generate HTTP Post requests. The problem was, that his language of choice was Dart, a language I had never heard of, much less used. I’ve worked with Postman for quite some time, but I never clicked this discrete link to the right of the request.

Imagine my surprise when I clicked that link and a code snippet showing the Dart code.

It generates cURL requests,

Python code snippets,

Node.js code snippets,

and many more. For example, Postman can generate snippets for over 30 different languages or frameworks.

How to Generate Python Code Snippets

Create the request you desire, for example, the following is a simple GET request listing available APIs on the API Guru website.

  • Click the small Code generate button.
  • Select your desired language or framework.
  • Click the copy icon to copy the code snippet to your clipboard.

Here’s a video by a member of the Postman team showing how to use the code snippet generation feature.

Powerful PDF Generation Using DynamicPDF Cloud API

I’ve been working as the Developer Evangelist for DynamicPDF for some time now. As well as our desktop/server product, we offer a cloud version of our software: DynamicPDF Cloud API. It’s a powerful cloud API for creating and manipulating PDFs for your business. In this post, I outline some of its features and why you should use it if you create PDFs for your organization.

The cloud API is built on the powerful DynamicPDF Core Suite, a software platform that has been used for several decades by many of the world’s largest corporations.

The API consists of the following REST endpoints:

  • dlex-layout,
  • pdf-info,
  • pdf-xmp,
  • image-info,
  • and pdf.
image-infoCloud API Users Guide – image-infoReturns image metadata as a JSON document.
pdf-infoCloud API Users Guide – pdf-InfoReturns PDF metadata as a JSON document.
pdf-textCloud API Users Guide – pdf-textReturns the text from a PDF as a JSON document.
pdf-xmpCloud API Users Guide – pdf-xmpReturns XMP metadata from a PDF.
pdfCloud API Users Guide – pdfReturns a PDF after performing one of the pdf endpoint’s tasks (pagedlexhtmlwordimage) or merging.
dlex-layoutCloud API Users Guide – dlex-layoutReturns a PDF after performing one of the PDF endpoint’s tasks (pagedlexhtmlwordimage) or merging.
REST Endpoint documentation

DynamicPDF Designer Online

DynamiciPDF Cloud API also offers the following client libraries to make using the endpoints easier.

  • C#
  • Java
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • Go
  • Python

It also offers – arguably the most powerful tool available anywhere online – DynamicPDF Designer Online, a graphical tool for creating rich PDF documents using your organization’s business data.

The API is free to try, and the documentation and support are top-notch. I should know – I wrote most the documentation, tutorials, and example code. There are tons of tutorials, and our support is great.